Equality & Access Plan
The Equality Act 2010 requires Hinderton School to publish an accessibility plan. The purpose of the plan is to:
increase the extent to which pupils with disabilities can access the curriculum
improvements to the physical environment to enable pupils with disabilities to increase their access to education
improvements to the information provided to pupils with disabilities
Our school provides a child-centred curriculum which enables all children to enjoy learning experiences and achieve success, and celebrate the success of others. We enable each child to communicate as effectively as possible, and to develop their ability to communicate their thoughts, desires, needs, and feelings both in school and the wider community. We ensure that every child feels cared for, within a safe and secure environment with a warm and positive ethos. We enable children to develop physical skills, independence, and self-esteem and to experience success within their learning environment.
Our has been written in accordance with the Equality Act 2010. This was introduced to ensure protection from discrimination, harassment, and victimisation on the grounds of specific characteristics (referred to as protected characteristics). This means that schools cannot discriminate against pupils or treat them less favourably because of their sex (gender), race, disability, religion or belief, gender reassignment, sexual orientation or pregnancy or maternity.
Information about pupil population:
Numbers on roll: 49
Number of pupils with disabilities: 49
The pupils at our school all have a diagnosis of autism. The pupils have different types of disabilities, these include;
Moderate Learning Disabilities (MLD)
Severe Learning Disabilities (SLD)
All the pupils have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). A small number of pupils at Hinderton have additional needs and require support from other professionals. We work in close collaboration with outside agencies as required to seek advice to ensure we are meeting the identified area of difficulty. Following advice received, we are able to review and adapt our practice accordingly to ensure their needs are being fully met.
Hinderton School’s priorities for the Equality and Accessibility plan are:
To ensure that no pupil is disadvantaged or discriminated against due to their race, religion or personal beliefs, disability, background or sexual orientation
To ensure pupils develop their understanding of tolerance and respect.
To support pupils in tolerating difference through a neurodiverse perspective
We achieve this by:
Ensuring equality of access for all students to a broad and balanced curriculum, removing barriers to participation/learning as necessary.
Using a range of teaching strategies that ensures we meet the needs of all pupils.
Remaining alert and proactive about the potentially damaging impact of negative language in matters such as race, gender, disability, and sexuality.
Providing opportunities for students to appreciate their own culture and celebrate the diversity of other cultures through our curriculum, whole school events (e.g. Celebration assemblies) and enrichment activities.
Providing questionnaires for students, staff, parents, and stakeholders. We then analyse responses which, as appropriate, can lead to the identification of development priorities.
Collecting data and monitoring progress and outcomes of different groups of pupils. We use this data to support school improvement. We report analysis of standards reached by different groups at the end of each academic year to the Pupil Progress Committee of the Governing Body.
Promoting tolerance and friendship through teaching in personal, social, and health education (PSHE) and relationships and sex education (RSE), but also activities in other curriculum areas. For example, as part of teaching and learning about diversity, pupils will be introduced to literature from a range of cultures and ethnic minorities within English.
Two “specific duties”
This requires all public organisations, including schools, to:
Publish information to show compliance with the Equality Duty
Publish equality objectives at least every 3 years which are specific and measurable
Staff at Hinderton School will:
Promote an inclusive and collaborative ethos
Challenge prejudice and discrimination
Deal fairly and professionally with any prejudice-related incidents that may occur
Plan and deliver lessons that reflect the school’s principles, for example, in providing materials that give positive images in terms of race, gender, and disability
Maintain the highest expectations of success for all students
Support different groups of students in their class through differentiated planning and teaching, especially those who may find aspects of academic learning difficult