Speech and Language Therapy
At Hinderton School, Speech and Language Therapists work with staff to provide a communication rich environment. We know it benefits children more to be recieving good language models throughout the school day from all staff, than only during a short speech and language therapy session once or twice a week. Therefore we provide ongoing training and support to all staff about how to communicate with individual students and general training about effective language and communication strategies. Most of our work is done in this way because the evidence shows it to be the most effective way of working.
We do not see all children for individual therapy. We work using 'episodes of care', which means that no child will be seen for individual therapy indefinitely. Children's needs change and we monitor this to see which children will benefit from individual therapy. If you have any concerns regarding your child's communication, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0151 3565068.
Some websites you may find useful for communication in particular are:
Occupational Therapy
At Hinderton School the sensory needs of the children are assessed and monitored using a variety of standardised and non-standardised observations. Referrals to the Occupational Therapy team are made by the school for consultation and input as appropriate. Individual profiles identify each child’s individual needs and support the development of essential independence and life skills.